So You Say It's Your Birthday!
A Social Studies WebQuest for Eighth Graders

Steve Carpenter - Fairplay Middle School

Supplemental Ideas for Differentiated Instruction

Supplemental Ideas          

Advanced Learners
1. Have students look up birthday traditions in different countries and create an ABC book or picture book or a video of traditions that could be shared with the class and younger students. One link to ideas below:

2. Work with other students in the class to demonstrate the importance of crediting your sources. Have the students create an informational video and work as student teachers as part of one lesson to be sure everyone can complete the bibiliography section. Many times students have a hard time with this and need extra help the first few times to understand the process and steps and extra knowledgeable hands are very helpful.

3. Create a series of birthday cards that incorporate the information found - can be humorous, each unique, serious, a combination of various styles.

Challenged Learners

1. Students could complete this project with someone in the class who has a birthday during the same month and combine their information into one presentation.

2.  Students could take one piece of information from each area and try to create a poem or an advertisement for their day.

ELL Students:

1. If students have limited English language skills they may have a hard time deciphering information on the internet. These students can create their presentation based on the birthday and special event celebrations in their country that they know. They can include songs, food, or other elements that make the celebration unique. They can record it ahead of time or present it to the class in a format of their choice.

2. Partner ELL students with a high level student in the class and have them work together on the project.

Mr. Carpenter asks, "Is the class full of different learners with their own styles? Sure it is so let me know how you learn best!"

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