So You Say It's Your Birthday!
A Social Studies WebQuest for Eighth Graders

Steve Carpenter - Fairplay Middle School

Supplemental Ideas for Differentiated Instruction

Teacher Page           


Students like nothing better than to find out things about themselves, especially if it is related to their birthday! Why not combine this interest with social studies standards and make learning and using skills fun? Students learn in a hands-on manner from each other by taking history off the timeline and relating it to themselves.


Students will be able to investigate a topic, research and sort through information to find relevance, organize their information into their own words in a logical and creative manner, and present it to the class.


This webquest was designed for 8th grade students. Students need to be able to work independently and organize information, as well as make inferences and connections between topics.


American History - Concept 10:  Contemporary United States   

PO 1.  Describe current events using information from class discussions and various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, books, maps).

PO 2.   Discuss the connections between current and historical events and issues from content studied

World History - Concept 9: Contemporary World

PO 1.  Describe current events using information from class discussions and various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, books, maps).

PO 2.  Use various resources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, television, Internet, books, maps) to discuss the connections between current events and historical events and issues from content studied in Strand 2.

Civics/Government - Concept 3: Functions of Government

PO 1.  Describe ways an individual can contribute to a school or community.

Geography - Concept 4:  Human Systems

PO 2.  Explain the effects (e.g., economic, cultural, environmental, political) of human migration on places.

Economics - Concepts 1: Foundations of Economics

PO 5. Interpret how trade promoted economic growth throughout U.S. history.


Internet websites, Arizona Department of Education Standards

Mr. Carpenter asks, "Did you realize that what you are learning are set skills that have been designed to help you think at higher levels? No, really, it's true!"

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